Tuesday, December 23, 2008


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Wednesday, November 19, 2008


One of the gully at Isimila where many of our students were biten by them.
Be aware of the ............... at Isimila


Moja ya mambo ya kale yapatikanayo nje kidogo ya mji wa Iringa. je umewahi kufika hapo?
Isimla Ismila Isimila !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tukiwa juu ya daraja la mto Ruaha Mkuu pamoja na wanafunzi wa mwaka wa mwisho wa Diploma, kutoka kushoto ni Alamin Somo kutoka Mombasa, kati ni Edwin Mpokasye, mwalimu na kushoto ni Meku Tarimo.

Tukiwa juu ya daraja la mto Ruaha Mkuu

Mbuyu (Baobab)mbugani Ruaha

Hifadhi ya Ruaha ambayo siku hizi inasemekana kuwa kubwa kuliko zote nchini Tanzania.
Moja ya mandhari safi kabisa!

Sunday, November 16, 2008


ZAMBIA – Radio Icengelo, Kitwe
Zambian radio station at centre of poll row
Background briefing by BBC Monitoring on 13 November 2008

Zambian police have arrested a Roman Catholic priest in the middle of a live radio broadcast, according to reports on 13 November. The cleric, Father Frank Bwalya, is the station manager of Radio Ichengelo, a Catholic Church‑owned FM station in the north‑central town of Kitwe . Kitwe (also known as Kitwe‑Nkana) is the third‑largest city in Zambia and lies in the middle of the country's copper‑mining region.
The station was said to have been running programmes critical of Zambia 's hotly‑contested 30 October presidential election.
The poll was won by Rupiah Banda of the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD). He defeated Michael Sata of the opposition Patriotic Front (PF). Sata accused officials of rigging the poll.
It is the second time this month that police have raided the station. In the first incident, according to privately‑owned newspaper The Post on 3 November, officers acted after "receiving complaints from some MMD supporters who were unhappy with the way the station manager, Fr Frank Bwalya, was announcing election results". The police "cautioned and advised Fr Bwalya to stop making such announcements as he was likely to incite people to rise against the government".
The latest action comes as the PF plans demonstrations over the poll in the Copperbelt on 15 November, according to The Post.
Father Bwalya is not the only journalist to come under state sanction in the past month.
On 31 October, Julius Sakala, news editor of popular private station Phoenix Radio, was barred from entering the main vote‑counting centre in the capital Lusaka . The Media Institute of Southern Africa reported that police "later allowed Sakala entry after they heard him filing a radio programme by phone".
On 3 October, Information Minister Mike Mulongoti threatened to close The Post newspaper "if it does not cooperate with the government and the courts of law". President Banda had sued the paper over alleged defamation.
Troubled history
Radio Ichengelo has a history of getting into political hot water over its programming.
In July 2005, it was one of 19 community radio stations and two private TV stations accused by the Ministry of Information of "diverting from evangelical and social issues to political programmes". According to The Post, the ministry accused the stations of "revealing [their] partisan politics".
In February 2003, the then deputy information minister, Webster Chipili, threatened to shut down the station after accusing it of being financed by the PF. The threat came after the station aired an interview with Sata.
Broadcasts have been disrupted by supporters of the ruling party. On 10 November 2001, MMD supporters raided the station and disrupted a live interview with Sata, who had just left government. A similar disruption occurred on 6 October 2001, during another interview with Sata.
In May 2001, the station was off the air for two days following an arson attack on its premises. "Staffers suspect that the arson was in retaliation for Radio Ichengelo's opposition to Zambian president Frederick Chiluba's bid for an unconstitutional third term," the New York‑based Committee to Protect Journalists said.
Radio Ichengelo was set up in 1996 and is one of several stations owned by the Catholic Church in Zambia . It is operated by the Catholic Archdiocese of Ndola.
In November 2006 the Zambian parliament's committee on information and broadcasting said the station's mission was to "preach the good news with its full meaning in the community". The committee said Radio Ichengelo had a potential coverage radius of 300 km, but at the time was "only covering 120 km".
In a feature to mark the station's 10th anniversary, the state‑owned Times of Zambia said the station employed 27 contract staff, but relied heavily on volunteers. Income was derived from grants, donations, advertising and programme sponsorship.
Radio Ichengelo (the Bemba word for "light", sometimes rendered "Icengelo") transmits on 89.1 MHz and 102.2 MHz. According to the Times, it broadcasts 18 hours per day in English, Bemba and Lamba.

Source: BBC Monitoring research 13 Nov 08
Lay-out: CAMECO Africa Desk


Friday, November 14, 2008


One of the thoughtful moment from Peik (right)

My observation on Internet Workshop for editors and Trainer”, Nov 10 to 14, 2008 organized by MISA-TAN in collaboration with Vikes Foundation from Finland.
The workshop itself was another opportunity for Tanzanian journalists to come closer to confront the challenges of the modern era of communication by using internet. The course itself was good. But it challenged the Tanzanian journalist on the methodology on news fact findings, the source, by using the Internet. This was due to lack of exposure in the usage of the internet. Personally I thank the facilitator Mr. Peik Johannson for challenging the participant on the necessity to refrain from plagiarism which I think should be emphasized in the coming workshops. How to create a Blog was another milestone, which should be encouraged to expand.
Mkazo pia unatakiwa pia kuhamasisha wadau wa habari kuhudhuria katika warsha kama hizi ili ziweze kusaidia kuboreka kwa vyombo vyetu vya habari na hata vyuo na taasisi zetu


Relationship between students and teacher in classroom is important as shown above.

To be in classroom is another experience, like life itself is another experience, because each day a person experience new things. That is a way I can narrate my experience at this course of"Internet training for Editors and Trainers"facilitated by Peik Johansson from Finland. In classroom starts a journey of discovery like I did personally, I assumed that I know a little bite on how to search for information through computer, but it proved wrong. For example the methodology of fact findings, about my country, other people profiles, and investigative issues. It emerged to me that, “E-mail and Internet are a tools” for journalists for fact findings and editing. Internet can be used also for research by visiting the websites given examples were like that of African studies, Tanzania government website, hello in many language, journalism on line but the big question is on how to arrive there? That is where the classroom is important. I thank you MISA-TAN and Vikes Foundation for organizing this workshop.
Internet is a multi-channel strategy where one can experience interactivity with one another; in business wise by using internet one can promote business.
Posted by Edwin Mpokasye at 10:00 AM 0 comments


The mysterious building seven shown behind the Twin Tower. (Photo courtesy by Wikipedia)

The tragic loss of lives and property still persistent in the minds of New Yorkers, the events of September11, 2001 changed the political landscape of this great nation forever. The attack to the Twin Towers the symbols of prosperity proved that America is not secure as thought before.The report released by The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) found that the 47-story building, which stood right next to towers 1 and 2, caught fire due to the debris that flew into it after the hijacked jets struck found that the 47-story building, which stood right next to towers 1 and 2, caught fire due to the debris that flew into it after the hijacked jets struck. The intense heat and not explosive was the cause the skyscraper to collapse the collapse of the twin tower caused extensive damage to the rest of the complex and nearby buildings"Our study found that the fires in WTC 7, which were uncontrolled but otherwise similar to fires experienced in other tall buildings, caused an extraordinary event," said lead investigator Shyam Sunder.He said debris from tower 1 sparked the blaze on at least 10 floors of the building, which burned for about seven hours while some of its sprinkler systems were non-operational due to a city water main cut.
The building seven was built in 1985. Among the tenants of that building was the emergency office of Mayor Giuliani located at 23rd floor, and to the mystery surrounding the building was the revelation that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) had a secretive office in that building the office was responsible for recruiting foreign spy as reported in New York Times newspaper of Nov 4, 2001
The September attack killed nearly 3,000 people

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


The challenges what media outlet is facing today is enormous, what the mogul newspaper owner Rupert Murdoch challenged the media professional to look again on how to cope with this digital era to interconnect with our audience. Does our news organization really serves public needs or are simply an income-generating enterprise. The media industry, on the hand, point to the enormous economic pressures and the large number of media enterprise that have failed in recent years. They feel that moral demand that media critics are making are utterly utopian. The public is interested in light entertainment and sensationalism. For the industry the first moral obligation is to give the public what it wants and not to judge the motive of this public As Murdoch said in this era of internet “Today the newspaper is just a paper. Tomorrow, it can be a destination”. When we take for the example the falling circulation of newspaper and falling use of other media, especially news media and notably among young people. Has been a widespread concern among more reflective leaders in culture industry. The declining use of news media is parraled by falling participation in the political and cultural affairs of communities.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


MISA-TAN in collaboration with Vikes Foundation (Finnish Foundation for Media Communication and Development) with the support from Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland organized a course on “Internet training for Editors and Trainers”. The outcome of what we did yesterday is as follow we were able to know on how Internet can be used for fact finding, news monitoring, communication and publication with the purpose of creating balanced and critical high-quality journalism and how the digital media had changed the world of communication and media. We learnt the procedure for example how one can be able to buy a ticket from Helsinki to Turku by using the internet. We have visited the project Gutenberg website where thousands of books can be downloaded freely.
Conclusion At the end of the day we were able to create a blog. Three steps were introduced. 1. Create an account, 2. Name your blog, 3. Choose a template.

Monday, November 10, 2008


I am Edwin Mpokasye currently a tutor at Dar es Salaam School of Journalism, I came I across to be involved in journalism because of the passion I have developed in the field of social communication. My passion to journalism especially on how radio can be utilized for development, evolved during my days at the Gregorian University, in Rome. After being introduced in Social communication studies, the need to communicate with others through radio broadcasting to rural areas emerged. The idea of a community radio which fosters development in rural area is still new concept in Tanzania, especially when it is used for social change need to be addressed. It is in this area where I am inviting you friends to journey together in this journey of discovery.